In the past, a marketing application was designed as a full stack solution. Each solution would address one or more go-to-market activities such as sending out mass email, posting to social media or analyzing performance. However, in today’s marketing infrastructure, the game has changed. With the rise in adoption of agile DEVOPS and the usage of cloud-based solutions, compounded by the specialized development of software within the gap areas of the martech landscape, the amount of current marketing software available for use is estimated to be 8,000 plus different choices.

In this special report, HCL Software Technical Architects Bryan O’Rourke and Andre Floyd detail the importance of platform-as-a-service marketing architecture and helps us understand why an integrated platform is needed in today’s marketing stack.

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The HCL Software Unica Suite is an enterprise class, marketing platform that delivers precision marketing at scale. Designed from ground up for marketers and powered by AI, it empowers marketing automation across a wide variety of outbound and inbound channels – direct mail, email, website, call center, IVR mobile, ATM, Kiosk, POS and much more. Unica is a premises-agnostic, cloud native platform and can be deployed through Docker framework or natively.

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