The Essential Guide to Protecting Your Ad Spend from Invalid Traffic
Fraud accounted for nearly $6.5B in wasted ad spend for advertisers in 2017 alone. But, did you know that not all invalid traffic (IVT) is fraud. Learn more about IVT, and what you can do to keep your campaigns protected.

Download The Essential Guide to Protecting Your Ad Spend from Invalid Traffic to learn:
  • The different types of invalid traffic, and what that means to you
  • Why advertisers and publishers should care about IVT
  • What the industry is doing to help
  • How you can protect your ad spend


Moat is a marketing analytics and measurement platform focused on measuring attention, viewability, validity, and brand safety in digital advertising. Working with publishers, brands, agencies and platforms, Moat is able to use data to help advertisers make better decisions.

Oracle Data Cloud offers the leading global Data as a Service (DaaS) solution by bringing together the right data, science and technology to help our customers connect more deeply with their customers. We operate the world’s largest audience data marketplace with more than $3T in consumer transaction data, 5B global IDs and 1.5K+ data partners. And we integrate that data with more than 400 media and adtech partners. For more information and free data consultation, contact The Data Hotline at