Vital to driving mobile advertising success is the ability to leverage audience data across devices, then delivering a consistent experience to potential customers regardless of what device they’re using.
This paper will help you learn how to effectively identify your customers’ various devices, and then create campaigns for the mobile experience.
Download your copy of this informative guide to learn:
At Omnitail, we do online marketing differently. Most agencies rely on KPIs like ROAS, A/S, and CPO/CPA — but those metrics don’t tell you the whole story. That’s why we manage our accounts to a different metric: operating profit. Our analysts evaluate every account, calibrate bidding strategy to create incremental profit, and maximize it. This flexible approach allows us to adjust to factors such as seasonality and changing business goals, making each dollar count. Success through metrics like profit — not just revenue — equals greater accountability, integrity, and transparency: and that’s what Omnitail is all about.