Marketers recognize that personalization drives campaign performance and uplift, but the most common way marketers are achieving this is through A/B testing. A/B testing allows you to find the best market approach for customer segments, but segmentation is all about groups – not individual customers. It doesn’t scale – the more dimensions and choices you want to make, the longer testing takes. Self-learning AI will transform how marketers personalize (e.g., send the best message, incentive, timing, and channel for every customer, every day), ruling A/B testing obsolete.

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A/B testing can be effective for lifecycle marketing (i.e., campaigns to existing, identified customers), but it takes too long and requires too much effort to scale. OfferFit replaces A/B testing with AI that automatically makes unique, optimized decisions for each of your customers along multiple dimensions (such as channel, message, incentive, timing, and frequency). Companies using OfferFit have seen campaign performance lift of at least 20%, and in some cases as much as 300%.

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