According to Forrester Research, 57% of US B2C marketing decision-makers said they planned to increase their marketing investment in relationship/loyalty marketing in 2023. As CMOs continue to double down on strategies to build deeper relationships with customers that span the entire customer acquisition lifecycle, it’s important to understand the new and emerging trends impacting marketing and loyalty budgets.

Download Forrester’s Planning Guide 2024: B2C Marketing Executives to learn:

  • Where B2C marketing executives are allocating their budgets, and the motivating forces behind them
  • Key priorities to best stabilize your future returns
  • Which investments you should scrutinize and consider reducing
  • New methods for collecting consumer insights

Download The Guide


Marigold is a global pioneer in relationship marketing, providing tailored, industry-specific martech solutions to over 40,000 businesses around the world. With Campaign Monitor, Cheetah Digital, Emma, Sailthru, Selligent, and Vuture under one roof, Marigold delivers the technology and expertise marketers need to grow relationships, grow revenue, and ultimately grow their businesses. Find out more at

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