Quick: what’s your favorite ad? Bet whatever just came to mind had nothing to do with B2B. That’s because B2B ads are often stuffy, technical, and— to be honest— kinda boring. But it doesn’t have to be this way. More and more, B2B brands are taking advantage of the sight, sound, and motion on the Connected TV screen—and breaking that bland creative mold in the process. And these ads are becoming the backbone of their performance marketing strategies. The people at MNTN are big believers in engaging and effective B2B ads. So big, in fact, they wrote a whole guide on the subject. Let’s dive in.

MNTN is the Hardest Working Software in TV, bringing unrivaled performance and simplicity to Connected TV advertising. Our self-serve technology makes running TV ads as easy as search and social and helps brands drive measurable conversions, revenue, and site visits. MNTN is one of Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies of 2023 and was named one of the Next Big Things in Tech for its upcoming VIVA creative suite.