Unwrapping the Best User Engagement Tactics of the Top 100 Subscription Retailers
Entry-level email service providers (ESPs) may be low on cost and resources needed for management, but with that comes limitations to campaign personalization, scalability, and data management. At some point, this system slows—or even prevents—growth.

The modern ESP empowers marketers to reach more customers at the personal level while incorporating data at all stages to improve the customer journey and drive revenue growth.

In this introduction to modern ESPs, you will learn how to identify what your team needs from an ESP and how to choose a modern system with optimal business growth in mind.

Download this guide to:
  • See how a modern ESP can enhance your customer journey to target customer preferences at the individual level
  • Understand how to consolidate your martech stack for more efficient data management and utilization
  • Learn what questions to ask to ensure you find the right modern ESP for your business

Learn how to make your marketing campaign execution more effective and efficient

Download this white paper to learn about the vital role marketing operations managers play in today’s organizations and the mission-critical technology they use for successful marketing campaign execution.

Iterable is the customer activation platform that helps brands deliver joyful experiences with harmonized, individualized, and dynamic communications at massive scale. www.iterable.com

An Introduction to Modern ESPs - How to Prepare for Growth